第88章 外国女人的警告(2/2)
房间里不小的动静引来了值班的护士,护士推开陈小彤的房门,是一个身材肥胖的外国女人,外国女人凶巴巴的用英语警告陈小彤,“s chen xiaotong, what are you dog? are you throg thgs and throg thgs? can you tell , how any tis have you been this onth! this is the hospital where patients reside, not your ho your ho, you can do whatever you want without hesitation, but this is the hospital! it\\u0027s a public pce! do you know that your behavior is very selfish? you have serioly affected other patients our hospital!”
“yes, you have the oney to pensate for these daad ites, but we are too zy to tidy the up for you, let alone disturb the rest and treatnt of other patients! hospitals are pces that need to be kept iet do you know how any pts you have received this onth! i would like to red you once aga that if you ntue to act recklessly like this, you either need to go ho or choose another high school to plete the dischar procedures and go to another hospital the united states to see which hospital is willg to aept patients like you! why are chese people ckg ality!”