

“rick.“ the woman r discovered s startled,“excure you not.....“</p>

rick answered,“ you gue tranndy站起来,怒吼道:“你们团队怎么会有这种……”</p>




rick said,“are you definitely lly are? ore too young to make it clear....“</p>


oscar回答很巧妙:“the question should be—— do you know who you are?“大有nichole跟他吵架的风格与套路,至于谁学的谁就不用追究了吧。</p>

rick was laughing,“ i didn't realize what i really was until i put on my make-up and tried a dress on. i remembered the color of it. i was so free....“</p>

mandy又要站起来冲着lete吼了,屏幕上的on that god hake on you, don't you?“</p>


rick paused a second,“if you y so, i wouldn't deny.“好家伙!她做了一个违背祖宗的决定。</p>

occording to my grandma, everyone es to the world for a reason. to most people who believe in god or other beingll meant to acquire quening of life.“这个心灵鸡汤。太老套了,连nichole都不吃。</p>

rick her went on,“you denied your gender, ve found your real lly you are trying to live somebody else's life, or in other words, you pretend to be what you are not, and try to pursue the thingre not suppoimed by you.“ mandy捂住嘴,她太骄傲了。</p>

rick ppy with what's going on with me. kid. in caven't noticed, you are very offenr replied,“to whom was i being offensive? the person who lies to him\/herself? or the confus told to be his mother's princess?“说他嚣张,令人讨厌,那真是有原因的。</p>

rick re you......“</p>

om never afraid to speak out the truth. i live my own life and i accept whatever fate habout you? dodging?“也许儿子说得太刻薄了些,mandy微笑着想。</p>

rick ve totally misundertion. what you said wand unfair. you mustn't judge people, for you have no idea what they have gone through....... i am what i am.....nothing to do with my mother.“可怜的娃,你越是否认什么,就越是暗示了什么。</p>

oscar pondered,“te your physical being uther....did he just ignore you?“要死人了……这熊孩子! rick barked back,“you are a little devil. are you aware of that?“她这个认知也许太浅了些。</p>
