第1408章 跟美国英国特工合作(1/1)


暗战首先要学会辨别真真假假的话,同时也要学会去适应说真真假假,更要学会去编一个故事的真真假假,这就是暗战,可能一句假话能顶千军万马,也可能一句真话能让战局扭转,这就是情报!战争中的情报,而情报并非是指特定的军事方面,往往一份看着无关紧要的走私货物情报,可能在一个情报机构分析官眼中就可以判断推演出对方的很多、很多 和这个美国中情局特工赖特走进一间房子里,看了看房间的陈设笑着坐在沙发上,然后看着坐在对面沙发上的赖特心里盘算着怎么和这个美国特工谈,而且报了他给我打“吐真剂”的仇,但是我的脸上却洋溢着笑容 “i still call you r yan! is it okay? neral! to be honest, this is the first ti i have seen such a young neral like you!(注:我还是称你为晏先生!可以吗?将军!说真话,我还是第一次见到你这么年轻的将军!”)赖特看着我用英语说,但是这一刻我却看透了他想说什么话 “r wright! you can call anythg! it doesn't atter! at present, i a not nsidered young for the position of neral our untry! our pce is full of war, as long as we don't die on the battlefield, i thk beg a neral is not a big deal!(注:赖特先生!称呼什么都可以!这个无所谓!将军一职在我们国内目前我不算年轻的!我们那里是战火纷飞,只要在战场上打不死,我想当个将军没有什么大不了的!”)我笑着回答赖特 看着赖特笑着点头,我继续说:“let's t down to bess! what do you an by holdg onto y bess? is it for the 'ysterio tal block'?(注:我们说正事!你们扣住我的正事是什么意思?是为了“神秘金属块”吗?”); “yes! r yan! do you know the whereabouts of the 'ysterio tal block'?(注:是的!晏先生!“神秘金属块”是不是你知道下落?”)赖特的眼睛盯着我收起了笑容! 我没有回答赖特的话而是抬起手看了一下时间这才看着赖特说:“r wright! you ssed up all y pns and ade spend dolrs va why didn't you wait for to fish tradg with the gang izir port and then hold down? this way, regardless of whether i t the“ysterio tal block“ or not, i can defitely t the news of the“ysterio tal block“! you guys are like this! ah! i've al beaten the chickens and eggs! oh! i already knew that carole was fro the ran tellince departnt yesterday, she didn't leave for port izir becae she received tellince carole was stigated by you aricans! ah! if this ntues, tellince traffickers or gangs will no lonr believe ! e back fro port izir, who ade you ipernate and carole aga! becae tellince dealers or gang bers know ! and these people were troduced to by the viet tellince leader“popov“ who was killed by you! al, it's foolish for you to lborate with i6, can't you see?(注:赖特先生!你们打乱了我所有的计划、还让我白白花了五万美元,你们为什么不在伊兹密尔港等我和那里的黑帮交易完在扣下我,这样我不论是否得到“神秘金属块”,最其码我能得到“神秘金属块”的确切消息!你们这样!唉!我也鸡飞蛋打了!哦!我早就知道卡罗琳是德国情报部门的,昨天没有出发去伊兹密尔港,是因为得到情报,卡罗琳被你们美国人策反了!唉!这样下去情报贩子或者黑帮就不会相信我了!再一个让你们冒充我和卡罗琳的从伊兹密尔港回来吧!因为情报贩子或者黑帮人员认识我!而且这些人是被你们打死的苏联情报头子“波波夫”介绍我认识的!还有就是你们和英国军情六局合作很愚蠢,难道你们看不出来吗?”) 我看着装作一脸平淡但是双眼露出疑惑、迷茫、思考、分析之色的赖特继续说:“wright, can't you see that all of this is a double surance bureau designed by viet ant“popov“ who was killed by you the“safe hoe“? volvg vario forces the lootg of“ysterio tal blocks“, becae“popov“ had viet ants and gang ard forces rob rany of these“ysterio tal blocks“ popov understood that they uld not all transport these ysterio tal blocks back to the viet union, popov had the gang hide of the, and then popov had viet ants ickly brg back to the viet union! and he released a ssa to the public:'you can exchan it for dolrs' this way, he doesn't have to spend oney on the gang and can sell the 'ysterio tal blocks' dolrs eally with the gang! if you or other forces disver or he is killed, the viet side has obtaed the“ysterio tal block“, right? you all fell for popov! and there are al double-sided ants beeen your ants here and british ants! do you want to identify and lborate with !(注:赖特,难道你们看不出这一切都是被你们打死在“安全屋”的苏联特工“波波夫”设计的双保险局吗?让各方势力卷入这场抢夺“神秘金属块”中,因为“波波夫”让苏联特工和黑帮武装抢劫了德国的这些“神秘金属块”后,波波夫就明白了这些神秘金属块他们是不可能全部运回苏联的,所以波波夫让黑帮藏起来一部分,然后波波夫让苏联特工快速的带上一些返回苏联!而对外放出消息:“用美金可以换”这样一来,他即不用花钱给黑帮而且可以和黑帮平分卖“神秘金属块”的美金!如果你们或者其它势力发现了或者他被打死了,最其码苏联方面得到了“神秘金属块”对吗?你们都上了“波波夫”的当!而且你们这里的特工和英国特工中间也有双面特工!所以你是不是甄别一下我们再合作!”)我一脸认真的用英语说,心里却在想:“幸亏你们偷袭打死了苏联特工“波波夫”要不然谁来背这个黑锅,然后我又怎么能敲你们的“竹杠”” 我也知道我的这些话不可能让美国特工赖特完全相信,但是我也能肯定的是赖特肯定会分析我这些话,然后向美国中情局汇报,而且最重要的是美国和英国情报部门会甄别这里的特工,这是最重要的,这样我和兄弟们即发了财,也能和美国英国特工交好,然后就拍屁股领兄弟们回重新 门开了李项村提着铜茶壶走了进来赖特的右手放在嘴边皱着眉头思考着我所说的话,而我却装作若无其事的喝着土耳其特有的“红茶” 赖特终于坐不住了看着我说:“r yan! can we operate! you ntue to ntact the! we will pay any aount! but we can't leave pu! our goal is to 'ysterio tal blocks' to be honest, our people have been unable to trace any ration! fally, carole, who rebelled agast the“old port hotel,“ realized that you had a way to fd the“ysterio tal block“ and had already bought it to the ran spy leader“von neun“! we only ade this decision now that we operate, what are your nditions?(注:晏先生!我们是否可以合作!你继续和他们联系!多少钱我们都会出!但是不能离普了!我们的目的就是“神秘金属块”不瞒你说,我们的人一直查不到一点点消息!最后策反了“老港口饭店”的卡罗琳才知道你有办法找到“神秘金属块”而且已经买给了德国的特务头子“冯纽恩”!我们才出此下策的,现在我们合作,你们有什么条件?”) 赖特的话让我皱起了眉头,眼睛看看手里的玻璃杯没有回答赖特的话,但是此刻心情却是笑开了花:“狗日的赖特,不狠狠敲一笔你们,我的“吐真针”和被“凉水”白浇了” “wright! to be honest, i didn't brg anythg with when i ca to istanbul, and i ca here with the oney donated by y chatown lleagues! weapons provided by rany's“von neun“! vehicle! becae i had known 'von neun' sce we were shanghai, the rans provided with any weapons to fight agast the japanese devils, as well as assistance fro the viets and italians! our operation nditions: first, you will give all the text and photo rerds that carole gave you! carole is our ntact pern! 2、 give the weapons and other thgs you have here! this way, i can be safer when dealg with gangs! 3、 you have the oney ready, and you can have carole and i go tother durg the transaction the reag three or four yuan is about one illion dolrs! don't talk about doright! this is the least! what about three or four yuan? that thg looks like a heavy tal block, but it doesn't have uch weight! right! they can't deceive ! the rans have all paid dolrs, cdg tellince oney! you no lonr have to pay for tellince now! you tell your boss that he defitely agrees(注:赖特!说真的我来伊斯坦布尔什么都没带,来这里也都里唐人街同袍捐助的钱!德国的“冯纽恩”提供的武器!车辆!因为我和“冯纽恩”在上海就认识,德国人援助了我们打日本鬼子的不少武器、还有苏联人、意大利人的援助!我们合作的条件:一、你把卡罗琳给你们的所有文字、照片记录一律给我!卡罗琳是我们中间的联系人!二、你们这里的武器和其它东西给我!这样我可以和黑帮交易时安全些!三、你们准备好钱,交易的时候你们可以让卡罗琳和我一起去,剩下的三四块大概要一百多万美元吧!你不要说多赖特!这是最少的!三四块呢?那东西看着是金属块很重,但是并没有什么重量!对吧!他们是骗不了我的!德国人都出了三十万美元,里面还有情报钱!你们现在己经不用掏情报钱了!你向你的上司说:他肯定同意”)我继续一本认真的对赖特说 赖特听着点了点头,然后站起来说:“okay! now i' gog to report our operation pn to the boss(注:好吧!现在我去给上司汇报我们合作方案!晏先生); “wright: after fdg the 'ysterio tal block' for you, can you provide our brothers with supplies for to return to chongqg, as well as proof of authenticity!(注:赖特:给你们把“神秘金属块”找到后,你们是否可以给们兄弟提供一些我们返回重庆的物资,还有一些证明的东西,要真的!”)我笑着说; 赖特笑了:“no proble! the previo ic was to help lve the“ysterio tal block“(注:没有问题!前题是帮我们解决“神秘金属块”) 上赶子不是买卖! 一个小时后我领着兄弟们离开了这个小镇!张铭玉开着汽车,后面跟着四辆小卡车向伊斯坦布尔行驶,坐在我身边的卡罗琳眼光复杂的看着我,我却笑了笑然后将赖特给我的一个文件夹递给卡罗琳 文件夹里是关于卡罗琳被策反的所有记录和照片、签字 卡罗琳看着我眼睛红了,我却笑着用德语说:“i know you and hannah are dancg on the bde, and if one aidentally falls, the beast below will tear you to pieces! but you and i really don't want to see this result fro you! do you understand? today when i go back, i will ask you to send a telegra to“von nuen“ i will say,“i have developed a pn with you and hanna to fd the“ ysterio tal block“, that you can tentionally ntact aricans and british people, and then hanna will ntact viet people, tellince traffickers, and gangs fally, i will leave a piece of the 'ysterio tal block' that i have retrieved, and you will hand it over to 'feng nuen' we will sg 'true and false dragon crown prce'! but you o al need to operate with unnditionally!(注:我知道你和汉娜在刀刃上跳舞,一个不小心掉下去,下面的野兽会将你们撕成碎片!但是你和我我真的不想看到你的这个结果!懂吗?今天回去我会让你发电给“冯纽恩”,我会说:我和你、汉娜制定了一个找会“神秘金属块”的计划,让你有意接触美国人和英国人,然后汉娜接触苏联人和情报贩子、黑帮最后我会将找回的“神秘金属块”留下一块,你们交给“冯纽恩”,我们唱一出“真假龙太子”!但是你们俩也要无条件的配合我!) 卡罗琳看着我,像似要看透我的每一节骨头似的然后流着眼泪点了点头 看着外面的风景真的有一种轻松的感觉,嘴里忽然想起“夜上海”这道歌,不由的扯开嗓子唱了出来:“夜上海夜上海,你是个不夜城,华灯起车声响歌舞升平,只见她笑脸迎,谁知她内心苦闷,夜生活都为了衣食住行,酒不醉人人自醉,胡天胡地蹉跎了青春,晓色朦胧转眼醒,大家归去心灵儿随着转动的车轮,换一换新天地,别有一个新环境,回味着夜生活如梦初醒,酒不醉人人自醉,胡天胡地蹉跎了青春,晓色朦胧转眼醒,大家归去心灵儿随着转动的车轮,换一换新天地,别有一个新环境,回味着夜生活如梦初醒” 后面的车上兄弟们也是放开嗓子一起唱,歌声飘荡在这空旷的路上 回到伊斯坦布尔时天已经黑了,李项村领着后面的小卡车去修船场,把从美国安全屋搬回来的东西送上船!而张铭玉开车送我和卡罗琳回“老港口饭店”,看着万家灯火亮起的这个异国他乡城市猛然想起了“崖洞村”,“北平的翠花胡同”,“上海的霞飞路”,“重庆的李子垻” 看着一脸高兴的安吉拉用英语说:“an! hurry up and t the key to open the door for i' already sllg, and then you can order thg delicio(注:安吉拉!快去拿钥匙给我开门,我身上都有味了,然后给我定好吃的”)! “okay! ntlean(注:好的!先生!”)安吉拉微笑的回答我 提着手枪走进卫生间,看着镜子里的自己心里盘算着:“这已经第五天了!王梓峰他们也差不多应该把“叶莲娜”送到边境了!也该回来了!老天爷保佑!兄弟们中间不要出岔子” 洗澡换了衣服这才重新走下楼去餐厅吃饭,汉娜在餐厅门口看着我,她的双眼中流露着温柔的目光:“lieber! du st dee haare schneiden und rasieren! ich ag es nicht, dass du dir een bart wachsen l?sst! schet ohne aristokratische aura!(注:亲爱的!你要理发刮胡须了!我不喜欢你留胡须!显得没有贵族气息!”); 汉娜的话让我笑了:“okay! h?r dir zu! du brgst ich sp?ter zu haarschnitt(注:好!听你的!一会你领我去理发”) 随着饭店门口的声音传来,楚晋堂、李项村领着兄弟走了过来……