第3章 《祭祀》(1/1)


《祭祀》 一 当钟声响起时,我便知道,祭典要开始了。 这是家族的传统,每隔十八年的今天,家族都会召开一场隆重而华贵的祭祀典礼,来供奉家族的无上的神明。 二 而我,是这场祭典上唯一的祭司。 三 我穿上复杂的祭司礼服,在母亲担忧的眼神中坐上了前往神庙的花轿。离开前,我按照家族旧礼,将祭司的祝福送给了母亲肚子里面还未出生的孩子。 四 神庙修建在山上,花轿停在山脚,我怀着虔诚的心,一步一步走上了前往神庙的楼梯。 山路很长,此时的祭司服变得十分厚重,但我感受不到这该有的疲惫。 我从出生起,便被教导要背负起祭司的责任。 五 在到达到神庙后,我看着所有人都饱含希冀、热泪盈眶。他们十分自然地退至我的身后,点燃了我手中的烛火。我知道,接下来的路,只有自己。因为神庙,是不容许除祭司以外的人进入的。 六 神庙很暗,那扇大门在短暂的打开后,又关闭了起来。我举着唯一的火光,慢慢向里面走去。我敢发誓,那些人绝对没有进来过,因为他们一旦走近,便会看到满地的尸骨。 七 在看到所谓的神明后,我没有一点意外。只是解开了衣服,方便“神明”的吃食。 八 从一开始,我就知道,我是这场祭典中唯一的祭品。 九 母亲肚子里面的孩子诞生了。那是我为家族留下的下一个祭品,也是下一个“我”。十八年后,他会同样成为祭司。 十 祭典不会停止,所有人都会沉溺于轮回,而我,为这个故事写上开头。 。 。 。 the offerg one when the bell tolls, i know the cereony is about to beg it's a faily tradition, held every eighteen years on this day, where the faily hosts a grand and xurio sacrificial rite to honor our supre deity o and i a the le priestess this ritual three dressed the tricate vestnts of a priestess, i board the pan bound for the teple under y other's worried gaze before departg, i follow the old ctos of the faily and bestow the priestess's blessg upon the unborn child y other's wob four the teple is built a a ounta, and the pan ss at the foot of the hill with a devout heart, i ascend the stairs leadg to the teple one step at a ti the path is long, and the cereonial robes feel exceedgly heavy, yet i do not sense the expected wearess fro birth, i was taught to shoulder the responsibilities of a priestess five upon reachg the teple, i see everyone brig with hope, tears wellg their eyes they retreat naturally behd , ignitg the candle y hand i understand that the path ahead is e alone to tread, for no one other than the priestess is allowed side the teple six the teple is dark; the door opens briefly before closg aga holdg the only urce of light, i slowly ake y way side i swear that no one has ever entered here, for if they did, they would witness the bones strewn across the floor seven upon seeg the -called deity, i a not surprised i rely undress, akg yself ready for the \"deity's\" feast eight fro the very begng, i knew i was the le offerg this cereony ne the child y other's wob is born that is the next offerg i leave to the faily, the next \"\" eighteen years, he too will bee a priest ten the cereony will not cease; all will be trapped the cycle of rebirth and i, i write the begng of this tale